Tell Us About Your Experience With Principled Living Tonal Chiropractic

At Principled Living we have a unique approach to healthcare, but unfortunately, much of our community does not realize how Neurologically-based Resets (adjustments) could benefit their family.

BUT… you have a story, and there is a lot of power in sharing your story! So, if you would, please help spread the word by sharing your testimony of how Neurologically-based adjustments and the Principled Lifestyle have changed your life.

Contact Us

At Principled Living we monitor your progress in 4 ways:

1) Changes in Symptoms

2) Changes in Medication Use

3) Changes in Neurological Scanning patterns/scores

4) Changes in alignment and degeneration seen on Digital X-ray

I consent to and authorize the use and reproduction by Principled Living PA (PL), or anyone authorized by PL, of any and all photographs or videos which you have this day taken of me, for the purpose of promotional ads (both printed and online), without further compensation to me. All negatives and positives, together with any photographs shall constitute the property of PL, solely and completely. Any information voluntarily provided by a patient shall also be used in conjunction with the above listed information for purposes previously mentioned. Confidentiality, in regard to any reported conditions, is also waived to the extent of the information pertinent to the promotion material only. All other unrelated patient information shall remain private and protected (according to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act laws). *

Your printed name represents your signature of consent for the statement above.

Your story can make a difference. Share your testimonial today and help others on their healing journey. Feel free to call us at (763) 275-9099 for more details!

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