Tonal Health Solutions for Addiction and Mental Health Issues with Principled Living Tonal Chiropractic in New Hope, MN

Are you battling addiction, anxiety, depression, or compulsive behaviors? Is reward deficiency syndrome compromising your recovery?

What Is Reward Deficiency Syndrome?

RDS is a genetic and/or environmental breakdown of the brain reward cascade, resulting in inappropriate levels of dopamine. This imbalance of dopamine can then be a driving force behind undesired emotional states and behaviors.

Reward Deficiency Syndrome — New Hope, MN — Principled Living Tonal Chiropractic

How Can We Help With Addiction and Mental Health Issues?

We specialize in new research-proven techniques to address root causes and get better results!

Using state-of-the-art and non-invasive testing, we can diagnose nerve interference and reward deficiency syndrome. Then Dr. Rinehart recommends options for correction, which can include gentle vibrations from an FDA-approved instrument, genetically matched nutritional supplements, and lifestyle changes that help maximize your quality of life!

Source: Jay M. Holder, DC.

Mental Health Services

  • Tonal/Neurologically-Based Chiropractic
  • Cranial Nerve/Auriculotherapy Reset
  • Genetic Addiction Risk Score (GARS) Testing
  • Amino Acid Nutraceuticals
  • Functional Nutrition Nutraceuticals

Contact us today at (763) 275-9099 or click HERE to complete a form, and start your journey with our chiropractic services. We can help you overcome the challenges of addiction and mental health.

Chiropractic Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why Get Checked In? I Feel Fine...

    That’s great, but it is still extremely important to have us check for types of nerve interference that do not cause symptoms but eventually cause disease.

  • Can You Fix/Treat/Cure My _____?

    Great question! We will determine if we can accept your case at your Discovery Exam (first appointment). We only accept cases where we are confident that we can help.

  • Do You Accept My Insurance?

    We verify all insurance plans as part of your Discovery Exam. All you need to do is bring your driver’s license and insurance card to your appointment. Then, we will verify your benefits and have an estimate ready for you when you go over your results with the doctor in your Report of Findings.

  • What if I Don’t Have Insurance?

    No problem! In fact, some of our clients do not have insurance or choose not to use their insurance because our cash discounts are so affordable.

  • What are some statistics about the size of the substance abuse problem, specifically related to tobacco?

    Certainly, tobacco abuse remains a significant public health issue in the United States. Here are some statistics related to the size of the problem:

    Prevalence of Tobacco Use: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of 2020, approximately 14.0% of U.S. adults were current cigarette smokers. This translates to around 34.1 million adults.

    Youth Tobacco Use: Despite significant efforts to curb youth smoking, tobacco use among youth remains a concern. In 2020, about 3.6 million U.S. middle and high school students reported current use of any tobacco product. This includes e-cigarettes, which have become increasingly popular among youth.

    Health Impacts: Tobacco use is a leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States. It is linked to various health problems, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

    Economic Burden: Tobacco use imposes a substantial economic burden on society, both in terms of healthcare costs and lost productivity. According to the CDC, smoking-related illness costs more than $300 billion each year, including nearly $170 billion in direct medical care for adults and more than $156 billion in lost productivity.


    Disparities: Certain populations are disproportionately affected by tobacco use. For example, individuals with lower socioeconomic status, certain racial and ethnic groups, individuals with mental health conditions, and those with substance use disorders are more likely to smoke and have higher rates of tobacco-related diseases.


    Quitting Challenges: While many smokers express a desire to quit, quitting can be challenging due to the addictive nature of nicotine. Research indicates that most smokers make multiple quit attempts before successfully quitting for good.

    Efforts to address tobacco use include tobacco control policies (such as tobacco taxes, smoke-free laws, and advertising restrictions), public awareness campaigns, cessation interventions, and support for smoke-free environments. Despite progress, tobacco use remains a persistent public health challenge requiring ongoing attention and intervention.

  • What are the impacts and costs of addiction on individual, family, community, national, and global levels?

    Addiction has wide-ranging impacts and costs on various levels, including individual, family, community, national, and global.

    At the individual level, addiction can lead to immense distress, pain, and personal struggles. Addictive and compulsive behaviors often result in the breakdown of trust among loved ones, as individuals may engage in deceitful or manipulative actions to sustain their addiction. The daily and sometimes hourly disorder caused by addiction can lead to a profound sense of despair, depression, and isolation. The toll on individuals is not only emotional but also physical, as addiction can have severe health consequences.

    Within families, addiction can create significant challenges and disrupt the overall well-being of each member. The family unit may experience strained relationships, constant worry, and financial burdens due to the costs associated with seeking treatment or supporting an addicted family member. The impact on children within these families can be particularly devastating, leading to disrupted childhoods, developmental issues, and increased risk of future addiction problems.

    At the community level, addiction can have far-reaching implications. Communities are often required to allocate substantial resources to address the consequences of addiction, including healthcare services, law enforcement, and social programs. Substance abuse often contributes to an increase in crime rates, strain on emergency services, and a decrease in community cohesiveness. The negative consequences of addiction can permeate neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces, impacting the overall quality of life for community members.

    On a national scale, addiction imposes significant societal costs. Healthcare systems bear a heavy burden in providing treatment and supporting individuals struggling with addiction-related health issues. Additionally, workforce productivity may decline, as addiction can lead to absenteeism, decreased job performance, and workplace accidents. The criminal justice system also faces the impact of addiction, with a substantial portion of crimes being linked to substance abuse.

    At the global level, addiction poses challenges that extend beyond national borders. The availability and trafficking of illicit substances contribute to international crime networks and political instability. Furthermore, substance abuse impacts economic development, as societies with high addiction rates often struggle with reduced productivity, strained healthcare systems, and increased social welfare costs.

    In conclusion, addiction has profound impacts and costs on individual, family, community, national, and global levels. It causes immense suffering, strains relationships, burdens communities, and has far-reaching societal implications. Addressing these impacts requires a comprehensive approach involving improved understanding, effective care, and the development of evidence-based addiction recovery approaches to mitigate the overall toll on society and individuals alike.

  • What are some tests that can indicate the presence of RDS, such as completing a questionnaire or undergoing brain mapping tests?

    There are several tests that can be used to indicate the presence of RDS (Reward Deficiency Syndrome). These tests include:

    1) Questionnaires: Completing a specific questionnaire, like the one found in David Miller's book "Staying Clean and Sober," can provide valuable insights into the presence of RDS.

    2) Psychosocial Testing: A qualified healthcare professional may diagnose RDS if the individual has undergone psychosocial testing and shows signs of coexisting ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder).

    3) Diagnosis of Addictive Disorders: If an individual has already been diagnosed with an addictive, impulsive, or compulsive disorder, it can suggest a higher likelihood of RDS.

    4) Brain Mapping Tests: Tests such as brain EEG (Electroencephalogram) or other types of electrical brain mapping can reveal characteristic brain findings associated with RDS.

    5) Genetic Testing: A genetic test, usually done through a mouth cell swab, can identify the presence of the genetic trait associated with RDS. Positive results in approximately 20-30% of the population may indicate an increased susceptibility to RDS.

  • Why is it important to do all of the above simultaneously to maximize healing and address all angles of RDS?

    It is crucial to engage in all of the recommended actions simultaneously in order to maximize healing and address all facets of RDS (Recovery Deficit Syndrome). By taking a comprehensive approach, we can effectively target every angle of RDS and optimize the healing process. This is important because RDS manifests in various ways and affects individuals differently.

    Firstly, seeking help is an essential step as it allows us to connect with professionals who can guide us through the recovery process. Their expertise and support are necessary in order to understand and overcome the physical, neurological, psychological, and emotional challenges associated with RDS.

    Additionally, jump-starting the brain reward cascade is crucial for recovery. This involves activating the brain's pleasure centers, which have likely been desensitized due to the effects of RDS. By reawakening these reward pathways, we can begin to regain our ability to experience joy and fulfillment.

    Feeding the chemistry of the brain with natural nutritional supplements is another vital aspect of addressing RDS. Nutrients play a significant role in the proper functioning of the brain, and deficiencies can exacerbate symptoms and hinder recovery. By providing the brain with the essential nourishment it needs, we support its healing processes.

    Balancing the brain through binaural beat meditation is an effective technique in addressing RDS. This form of meditation stimulates specific brainwave frequencies, promoting relaxation, focus, and emotional well-being. By incorporating binaural beats into our healing regimen, we can enhance brain function and promote positive neurological changes.

    Toxins accumulated in the body can also impede recovery. Therefore, it is important to engage in activities that help wash out these toxins and cleanse our system. This will create a healthier environment for the brain to heal and regain balance.

    Replenishing vital nutrients is another crucial component of addressing RDS. By providing the body with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other essential elements, we support the recovery process and ensure proper functioning of the body as a whole.

    Breaking down denial through counseling and support groups is an essential step in addressing RDS comprehensively. Denial often accompanies addictive behaviors, and by actively confronting and working through this denial, we can increase self-awareness and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

    Furthermore, reconnecting with our spiritual side can have a profound impact on RDS recovery. This involves exploring and nurturing our spirituality, whatever that may mean to each individual. Spirituality can provide a sense of purpose, inner peace, and a source of strength during the healing process.

    Lastly, taking advantage of synchronicity and multiplication is important in maximizing healing and addressing all facets of RDS. This approach involves recognizing and embracing the opportunities and connections that come our way. By remaining open to possibilities and utilizing the power of synergy, we can enhance the healing process and increase the likelihood of successful recovery.

    In conclusion, doing all of the recommended actions simultaneously is crucial for maximizing healing and addressing all angles of RDS. This comprehensive approach ensures that we are tackling the physical, neurological, psychological, and emotional aspects of RDS simultaneously, increasing our chances of successful recovery and realizing our fullest human potential.

  • How can consulting a Counsellor or joining a twelve-step support group facilitate emotional and psychological recovery?

    To reconnect with your spiritual side and form connections with healthy individuals, here are some beneficial practices:

    1. Reflect on your spirituality: Take time to contemplate your beliefs, values, and connection to something greater than yourself. This introspection will help you realize the importance of nurturing your spiritual side.

    2. Engage in worship or prayer: Participate in religious or spiritual practices that align with your beliefs. This could involve attending religious services, engaging in prayer, or performing rituals that hold personal significance for you.


    3. Cultivate a meditation practice: Incorporate regular meditation into your routine to foster a sense of inner peace and mindfulness. Meditation can help you silence the noise of daily life, allowing you to connect with your spiritual self more deeply.

    4. Seek out spiritual communities: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share a similar spiritual outlook. Joining a spiritual community or attending support groups can provide opportunities for connection, discussions, and the exchange of ideas.

    5. Embrace nature and the outdoors: Spending time in nature can help you reconnect with your spirituality. Engage in activities like hiking, gardening, or simply taking a walk in the park to appreciate the beauty around you and feel a sense of awe and reverence.

    6. Practice kindness and compassion: Foster connections with healthy individuals by embodying kindness and compassion in your interactions. Actively seek out opportunities to help others and be a positive influence, as this can attract like-minded individuals into your life.


    7. Prioritize self-care: Nurturing your own physical and mental well-being is essential for reconnecting with your spiritual side. Engage in activities that promote self-care, such as exercising, practicing mindfulness, and engaging in hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment.

    By incorporating these practices into your life, you can create a strong foundation for reconnecting with your spirituality and establishing connections with people who value healthy and positive living.

  • How can consulting a Counsellor or joining a twelve-step support group facilitate emotional and psychological recovery?

    Consulting a Counsellor or joining a twelve-step support group can greatly facilitate emotional and psychological recovery in several ways. Firstly, these resources provide a safe and supportive space for individuals struggling with addiction or compulsive behaviors to address their denial. Denial is a common defense mechanism that keeps individuals from acknowledging the severity of their problems. By consulting a Counsellor or joining a support group, individuals are encouraged to confront their denial and face the reality of their situation.

    Furthermore, these resources give individuals the opportunity to confront and work through their emotions. Addiction and compulsive behaviors are often fueled by underlying emotional pain, trauma, or unresolved issues. Counsellors and support groups can assist individuals in understanding and processing these emotions, allowing them to develop healthier coping mechanisms. Through regular therapy sessions or group meetings, individuals can gain valuable insights into the root causes of their behaviors and begin to heal the emotional wounds that contributed to their addiction.

    Additionally, both counsellors and support groups offer guidance and a sense of community. Support group members can relate to and understand each other's struggles, providing a valuable support network. This sense of community helps individuals feel less isolated, enhancing their motivation and commitment to their recovery journey. Counsellors, on the other hand, provide professional expertise and guidance tailored to individual needs. They can help individuals navigate through the challenges of recovery, offer practical strategies to cope with cravings or triggers, and provide the necessary tools for personal growth.

    Ultimately, consulting a Counsellor or joining a twelve-step support group allows individuals to actively engage in their recovery process. By actively participating in therapy sessions and group meetings, individuals can explore the underlying causes of their behaviors, gain a deeper understanding of themselves, and develop effective strategies to manage their emotional and psychological challenges. This active engagement promotes personal growth and aids in overall healing, enabling individuals to overcome their addiction or compulsive behaviors and lead fulfilling lives.

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