Screenshot 2021-09-15 102121

The Line Has Been Crossed

On September 9th, President Biden announced a federal mandate that will require employers with over 100 employees to require their workers to get a COVID vaccine, even though the clinical trials have yet to be completed.  These employers will face fines of $14,000 for each incident if they do not implement a mandate for vaccines and testing. 

Sickeningly, members of Congress and their staff are exempt from the mandate, while most other hardworking Americans will now have to choose between taking an injection known to cause permanent injury and death — or face losing their jobs. 

When asked about a federal mandate during a July 23, 2021 press conference, White House press secretary Jen Psaki stated “That’s not the role of the federal government.”  We agree. Biden himself promised on December 4, 2020 that he “wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.” 

But Biden lied.  His executive order requires federal employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccine without any ability to prove immunity or test out.  He also laid out a 6-Point COVID plan covering vaccine mandates, masking requirements, and incentivization programs. 

Biden attacked and blamed the 80+ million adults in the U.S. who aren’t lining up for these experimental injections, and expressed rage at governors who are rejecting the constantly changing and non-science-based federal policies.  “This is not about freedom or personal choice”, he stated.  Really?   

President Biden lied about the safety and efficacy of the shots.  He ignored the fact that tens of millions of Americans have recovered from COVID and have true natural immunity.  He failed to promote many of the treatments shown to be successful in treating and preventing COVID. These life-saving treatments clearly interfere with the goal of lining people up for every shot the government decides you must take.  

But it is the states, not the federal government, responsible for protecting the rights of their citizens under their individual state Constitutions.  America’s federation of states was set up to prevent situations exactly like this where the federal government attempts to abuse its power. 

In Minnesota, people are standing up and saying NO.  We will not comply!

On August 28th, the Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota, along with our friends at MaskOffMN and several brave nurses facing termination, held two health freedom events.  First, we gathered at the State Fair to take the truth straight to the public.  Numerous people thanked us for sharing the truth and standing up for them.

Our second “Educational Flash Mob” at the Minnesota State Fair was a huge success!
There were tons of honks, waves, and thumbs up for these amazing volunteers!Later that day, we hosted the largest Health Freedom rally ever at the Minnesota State Capitol. Doctors, nurses, elected officials, and parents of vaccine-injured children spoke out about the coercion, lies, and overreach in vaccine policy.

Over 4,000 Minnesotans attended our Rally for Medical Freedom on August 28th at the Capitol.
Patti Carroll (co-founder of VSCM) kicked off the rally with the story of her journey, which began after her son’s devastating vaccine injury over two decades ago.On September 9th, VSCM had the honor of participating with the Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom at their annual fundraiser featuring the amazing Dr. Scott Atlas.

Next, you’ll see us at the Global Health Freedom Summit in Alexandria, MN on September 25th.  VSCM proudly continues to support this eye-opening annual gathering of Health Freedom warriors.  A limited number of tickets are still available!  Then, on September 26th – PLEASE join us for “The Big One”!  This rally at the Minnesota State Capitol will feature the incredible Del Bigtree of “The Highwire” and Informed Consent Action Network.  If you aren’t following “The Highwire” yet, you need to start now.  This weekly show provides the FACTS, not the spin.  And unlike mainstream media, everything they report is backed up with links to the actual data and information sources.


How can you help? DONATE

Our all-volunteer team works tirelessly to create educational materials, put on events, get important bills introduced, and assist with exemptions.  We rely 100% on your donations to be able to continue our work. 

SIGN OUR PETITION! to ban Vaccine Passports in Minnesota 

FOLLOW US! On our Facebook public page (while you still can), and be sure to follow our friends MaskOffMN.  MaskOff Minnesota is providing the most up-to-date information on upcoming rallies put on by VSCM and other advocacy groups, and holds weekly meetings with important speakers and topics.   

SEND A MESSAGE! to your elected officials that you oppose forced vaccines!  Thank you to our friends at Stand For Health Freedom for creating this campaign. 

Attend and share our events, stand with us, and most importantly – STAND YOUR GROUND!

Don’t be bullied into putting anything into your body that you don’t want, and be prepared to walk away if you have to.
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