MMM 022: Your 2 Greatest Needs Are Only Met Under This One Condition

Many experts agree that the 2 greatest needs for a human are security and significance. These two words carry many synonyms that you may be familiar with (safety, contentment…) or (loved, cherished…) but the concept remains the same. You cannot change the fact that you need these things, BUT you can choose where you find them!

If you choose to find them in someone or something that can fail you, you will experience a crisis when these needs aren’t met sooner or later. So that would be anything in or of this world… sooner or later you’ll find yourself in crisis.

So choose to find those needs in someone outside of the unpredictability and failures of this world. It’s your only guarantee you won’t find yourself without you greatest needs met! Not sure what I’m getting at?

Once again, this post will get you the answers

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