MMM 019: When Experiences Don’t Line Up with the Truth

It’s frustrating when things aren’t going as they ‘should’, isn’t’ it? We’ve all been there, but what you do when you find yourself in this situation is critical to your overall health!

The thing is, our brains are ALWAYS looking for congruency. Why? Because INcongruency means there is a problem! On top of that, our brains are always seeking for efficiency and it’s more ‘efficient’ when our experiences line up with our current beliefs. It can take A LOT of resources to address an INcongruency.

For example:

  • I know (God, my spouse, my children…) love me but my experience lately sure doesn’t make it seem that way.
  • I know there is good in this world but when I turn on the news it sure doesn’t seem that way.

And the list goes on… but BE CAREFUL because when our experiences aren’t lining up with the truth we are most susceptible to believing a lie or distorting the facts. So hold fast to the truth and continue to seek experiences that line up with the TRUTH rather than altering the truth to line up with your experiences (maybe ___ actually doesn’t love me).

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts:)

Here’s one of the ‘Identity Checks’ that I periodically use for myself.

  • Are you seeking experiences that line up with facts or changing the facts (believing lies) lineup with your experience?

Interested in how the lies you are currently believing (trust me we all do) are negatively effecting you? Here’s the most effective system for identifying and addressing those lies I know of.

Don’t want to learn the TPM process before benefitting from it? Contact us for your FREE appointment options!

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