MMM 007: Got Decision Fatigue Yet?

Is it a real thing? Yup!

Dopamine is the primary brain chemical used for decision making and we literally have a ‘dopamine budget’ each day. It’s not a coincidence that some of the most successful people in the world have some of the most bland wardrobes (e.g., Steve Jobs). At a certain level it’s not worth your energy to decide what to wear or do your own laundry… so they eliminate the need to decide what to wear and wear pretty much the same thing every day!

What’s the principle? Prioritize your decisions/tasks each day and do the ‘high value’ ones first. Don’t waste your time/energy/decisions on things that don’t matter. The more you can automate or delegate the better. Even something as simple as scrolling through 100s of social media posts and deciding which to slow down and read is at some level burning up dopamine.

Simplifying our schedule and creating margin in our lives is one of the most effective ways we can limit emotional stress and allow innate to be fully expressed!

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.  

Colossians 3:2

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