
Is your COVID mask helping or harming?

We are all familiar with these by now, but there are a lot of people using them incorrectly and actually causing more harm than good! First off, when you are wearing a mask, DON’T TOUCH THE MASK! If you touch the mask you will contaminate your hands much like covering a cough or sneeze with your hands!

I was just at the grocery store and I asked an employee where I could find something. When he responded, he grabbed his mask to lower it, then put it back on and continued stocking shelves with his contaminated hands! So in this case everyone would have been less exposed if he had not had a mask on. Something to think about… Bottom line is there are risks and benefits of every action we take. Personally, I think it’s much more likely that I accidentally touch my mask and forget to wash my hands than for me to cough or sneeze and somehow forget to cover with my elbow.

But remember, unless you do not think you can afford to be exposed because you fit the criteria of an at risk or an immunocompromised individual, which does not apply to a vast majority of the population, the goal should NOT be to completely avoid COVID exposure! The best way through this is to use your properly functioning immune system to have a graceful exposure and gain immunity! We surveyed our Practice Members this week to see if they are concerned about getting COVID and a vast majority of them said no! Why? Because they know their immune systems are functioning well and that they are in a very good position to overcome COVID. And many of us have already gained immunity this way and don’t even know it because there was no symptomatic response. That’s the way it’s supposed to work! Waiting for a vaccine is not the answer.

Secondly, wear masks as little as possible!

1) It is very hard to not touch the mask and contaminate your hands.

2) COVID is only transmitted through the air by droplets of snot or saliva. It is not airborne like Ebola and Tuberculosis. This means that an uncovered cough or sneeze is the only way to pass it through the air.

3) It’s not good for you to be breathing in your own air. Exhaled air is mostly carbon dioxide, so if that’s all you are breathing your blood oxygenation can go down and guess what grows best in a low or no oxygen environment… viruses and bacteria! Every part of your body requires oxygen to properly function. Breathing hard is one of the best benefits about exercise!

Most importantly, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of a properly functioning immune system during this time of stress and uncertainty. If you haven’t been consistent with your care plan or have never been checked for nerve and immune system dysfunction, please contact us right when you receive this message and let’s make that happen! Also, if you want to make like this from a t-shirt, click the link below. Have a blessed day.

DIY Face Mask Using T-Shirt Sleeve:…

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