The Subluxation Cycle -Birth Trauma_Moment

Has Your Birth Trauma Been Corrected?

In this video Dr. Rinehart describes how trauma from even the most natural births can affect all of us in ways we may have never thought of!

Every parent knows we don’t hold infants by their head once they’re out of the womb. What a lot of parents don’t realize, is that very first contact by a human hand, forceps or suction device with that same type of force, that distraction force on this little one’s neck and it could have been you too. You could still be carrying this type of a stress and this type of trauma with you throughout your life if it hasn’t been addressed. In this episode I’m going to tie in how that type of physical stress onto a newborn during the birth process can lead to what we call subluxation and nerve interference which can take away from that little one’s quality of life and possibly be causing some of these symptoms and conditions that nobody else seems to have an answer for.


Before we get started, though, if you haven’t seen the original video of the subluxation cycle, please make sure you to check that out. That’s going to give a more in-depth explanation of what this is.

Birth Trauma

To start off with, this is a physical stress. It’s not so much an emotional or chemical stress that we’re talking about today, it’s a physical stress. And when that little one has that twisting or distraction force on their upper cervical neck, that can disrupt, can inflame, can do a lot of damage to the spinal cord. Now, the spinal cord is what’s responsible for sending messages from the brain to the rest of the body and then receiving information from the rest of the body back to the brain. So bad information, bad decision making, bad output, we get a very disrupted state of health and that’s what we’re talking about here.

Nerve Interference

When the nervous system gets overwhelmed to the point where nerve interference is created, what results in that little one is a disease or imbalanced function state. Now, these little ones, they can’t talk to us; they can’t tell us what’s going on, so often we see that manifest as irritable bowel syndrome, colic or possibly chronic infections leading all the way to the ear infections that are so prevalent in some kids but not prevalent in others. In general, kids have more horizontal Eustachian tubes and more likelihood of an infection because of that. There’s got to be a better explanation for why that is…more on that later. Essentially, what happens here with that physical stress, if it was enough to overwhelm your little one’s nervous system, they are going to be carrying nerve interference throughout their whole life.

How Does That Manifest?

It can vary and it can basically be any sort of dysfunction. If that little one is set off with a decreased stress response, it’s going to predispose them to have a poor reaction to the other things coming at them later in life. There’s going to be more physical stress, more chemical stress, and more emotional stress the longer as life continues. For example, some kids have allergies to peanuts, soy, gluten, dairy, things like that, and some kids don’t. What we find in our practice is a lot of times the ones with the most severe allergies have a common thread of a significant physical trauma during the birth process. So that little one was set off with nerve interference to their immune system and possibly digestive system. That makes it more likely for them to have a poor response to the peanuts, the gluten, the soy that some kids don’t have. Another example, sometimes the vaccine reactions or other toxins, pesticides, things like that, medication reactions, all of that can come from, and often does start from a significant amount of birth trauma.

What Needs To Be Done?

We need to check our little ones and make sure that there is not that disconnect right out of the gate. Not to mention how that can manifest with the scoliosis and the misalignment in their spine as they start to grow, as they start to pick their head up. There’s a lot going on here and we all we want as parents is the best for our little ones.

Chiropractor New Hope

If this interests you and you’d like to learn more about it, please reach out, get plugged in, and follow us on social media.

We don’t know if we carry this with us! That interference in your brain isn’t able to overcome and heal from that trauma you carry with you and have possibly carried with you your whole life. This can lead to a decreased stress response to this day, decreased health and ultimately quality of life. We want the best for you. We want the best for our kids. Please reach out. And if we can do anything to help you, we’d love to serve you.


Beat Upper Respiratory Infections at the Source!

Nasal Spray/Mist Protocol

Nothing will replace a properly functioning nerve/immune system so make sure you are regularly checked for nerve interference!

Then for additional support at the source see this protocol:

Although there is documentation for the addition to Nasal Spray/Nasal Irrigation solutions of Colloidal Silver and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), per Dr. Alex Vasquez, “As far as topical/nasal rinse antimicrobials are concerned, I think the povidone iodine is clearly the best.” Povidone Iodine nasal irrigation and gargling reduce bacterial/viral load. The use of a diluted Povidone-Iodine solution in your mouth and nose is a simple way to kill the bacteria/virus where it lives. This can also be used as a preventative measure by people who have been exposed to Covid-19 but are not yet sick. “Nasal irrigation might relieve symptoms and reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in patients with COVID-19”… “Nasal rinses physically disrupt the viscous surface layer, removing mucus and particulate matter, and increase hydration of the deeper aqueous layer, thereby improving underlying ciliary beat frequency and reducing local inflammatory mediators. These effects can be particularly helpful during a viral respiratory infection where mucociliary dysfunction and mucostasis can result from the inflammatory response.

To make the 1% Povidone-Iodine nasal or gargle solution, mix 5 ml (1 tsp) of 10% Povidone-iodine with 50 ml of distilled/filtered water. This will make a 1% Povidone-Iodine solution that is diluted enough to use in the nose/mouth. DO NOT USE 10% POVIDONE-IODINE.

If you are iodine allergic or intolerant, you can substitute 1% hydrogen peroxide. To make a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution, mix 10 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide with 20 ml of distilled/filtered water. This will make a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution that is diluted enough to use to use in the nose/mouth.

Most Effective Application: Using a plastic nasal “squeeze-bottle” or poured in via a Nettie Pot; Squirt 1 tsp of the 1% solution into one nostril and sniff this to the back of your throat. Spit it out immediately. Repeat with the other nostril. Do this twice in each nostril. After performing the nasal rinse, gargle at least 2 tbsp of the diluted solution for at least 30 seconds. DO NOT SWALLOW.

Most Convenient Application: Use either 1% solution through a “Nasal Spray” bottle or purchase the Povidone Iodine Nasal Spray (2-spray in each nostril). Sniff to back of throat and then blow nose.

According to Dr. Vasquez, the nasal spray application is effective, but not as effective as the “Nasal Rinse and Gargle” described above.

Repeat this protocol 1-4 times a day for prevention, or up to 6 times a day with acute infection.

Product Links:

Nasal Rinse Kit

Amber Glass 1 oz Nasal Sprayer

Povidone Iodine 10% Unflavored Solution

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, Natural Cleaner, 3%


3 Reasons Why Motor Development -Banner

3 Reasons Why Children Motor Development is Crucial

3️⃣ Reasons Head Control, Crawling and Walking (Motor Development) Lead to Calmer Emotions and Easier Behavioral Regulation

Getting Started: When kiddos struggle with emotions 😡, behavior, and meltdowns – we wonder where it’s coming from and what can be causing it. While the answer to this can be long, and literally anything can put a 2 or 3 year old over the edge, this happens more often and long term it can be associated with developmental milestones, especially motor milestones.

The brain 🧠 has an order of doing things and if the sequence is disrupted or behind, the brain can feel less comfortable and it can come out as behavior. 😭

So if you are a parent of a baby 👶🏻 in these developmental phases or if you have a kiddo struggling and don’t know where it is coming from these 3 reasons may shed some light on why and most importantly how they can get help. 👇🏼

1️⃣ Hitting milestones helps activate better detox with respiration, digestion and immune function. Good activation in the neck, chest and low back allows the neuro-muscular system to move fluid through the system quicker and easier!

2️⃣ Hitting motor milestones lead to a strong upright posture and posture is key to brain development! Hormones in the brain are reactive to good or bad posture. Sitting up straight activates hormones that fuel feelings of confidence, calm 🧘🏻‍♀️ and in control while a flexed/folded posture with lack of support in the core can fuel a stress response in kids.

3️⃣ Coordinated movement helps calm the brain. You can see this with your own kids, getting outside 🌳, running around, and getting them breathing heavily leads to better energy regulation, sleep and focus.


The Many Benefits of Vibration Plate Therapy (Discount Code Included)

Many of you have shown interest in our vibration plate recently and so here is some great information and resources for you to consider. I have also worked out a 5% discount and free shipping with Vibration Therapeutic for anyone who uses this discount code: 22SRV215

Click here for the model that I recommend. It’s a new and improved version of what we have in the office.

9x More Likely to Be Hospitalized

Boosters are here: Regardless of what you decided for round 1, you need to read this

*Click on any yellow text to be linked to the citation*

I covered my concerns for COVID vaccine (gene therapy) effectiveness/safety back on Jan 27, 2021 in this blog post here but as booster shots are now recommended there are some things that you MUST consider. Let me be frank: IF YOU HAVE ONLY BEEN EXPOSED TO THE MAINSTREAM NARRATIVE REGARDING COVID, YOU HAVE BEEN MISINFORMED AT SOME (likely many) LEVELS.

If I were to ask you 2 years ago, do you trust our government and politicians to be truthful and accurately portray situations at hand? What would have been your answer? In my experience most people had a strong conviction that politicians and government officials are not always/ever fully transparent in their message.

But now over the last 2 years the line between government official/politician/policy maker and healthcare provider has been blurred in unprecedented ways. Let that sink in for a moment…

I’m not here to tell you what to do with your health or to point you to perfect research (there isn’t such a thing because of this little variable that can’t be completely accounted for called LIFE) but in order for me to sleep at night, I need you to be aware of some things. Please keep reading. You are NOT wasting your time.

1. These COVID vaccines/gene therapies are NOT as SAFE as the mainstream narrative has led us to believe. At the time of this article there have been 18,853 COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths and 94,537 Total COVID Vaccine Reported Hospitalizations but 2 studies (one by Harvard) show that historically 1% or LESS adverse events are reported to VAERS (even though practitioners are required by law to do so). That being said there has never been a vaccine/gene therapy administered globally in a short time frame like we have seen with these. One can only these reported numbers reflect more than 1% of the actual adverse events.. Click here to see the current stats. Also, see this 5 min video below recapping this interview with Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM (former head of vaccine research dept at GlaxoSmithKline).

2. These COVID vaccines/gene therapies are NOT as EFFECTIVE as the mainstream narrative has led us to believe. Click here for a short video showing you research on how the vaccine/gene therapies are continuing to come up short/never provided the protection or immunity initially promised/hoped for. *Disclaimer: this is media with very passionate individuals just like mainstream media. Look past the hype and focus on the data being covered. Full episode here. Here’s an analysis of UK data showing the vaccines are NOT saving any lives at all. Here’s an analysis of England data comparing age adjusted all-cause mortality rates in England between vaccinated and unvaccinated.

3. There are MANY other options beyond what the mainstream narrative has covered and the main reason is there is little to no money to be made with these options. Attention goes where money flows! But it doesn’t mean these options are not more safe, effective, or affordable.

As always, you’re NOT ALONE unless you choose to be. COVID is a very conquerable virus, even for those with several comorbidities. We are here to help, pray, and offer as much guidance as permissible. BUT your health is YOUR responsibility. DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT reactively rely on your health insurance to take care of you. The consequences may be grave. PLEASE CONTACT US TODAY IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE OTHER OPTIONS/PROTOCOLS WE HAVE FOUND TO BE VERY EFFECTIVE.

If you want more: Here is an very concise and well cited article by Dr. Mercola. Abstract here and full article (with citations) below as a PDF. I’ll bold some sections but you really need to read the whole thing. If you’re not familiar with relative risk vs absolute risk watch this short video here.


  • One of the most commonly used tricks to make a drug look more effective than it is in a real-world setting is to conflate absolute and relative risk reduction. While AstraZeneca boasted a relative reduction of 100%, the absolute reduction was 0.01%. For the Pfizer shot, the relative risk reduction was initially 95%, but the absolute risk reduction was only 0.84%
  • In AstraZeneca’s trial, only 0.04% of people in the vaccine group, and 0.88% in the placebo group were infected with SARS-CoV-2. When the background risk of infection is that low, even a 100% absolute risk reduction becomes near-meaningless
  • Research shows the majority of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies in obese COVID-19 patients are autoimmune and not neutralizing. This means that if you’re obese, you’re at risk of developing autoimmune problems if you get the natural infection. You’re also at higher risk of a serious infection, as the antibodies your body produces are not the neutralizing kind that kill the virus. Does the same hold true for antibodies made in response to the COVID jab?
  • At nearly 72%, Vermont has the highest rate of “fully vaccinated” residents in the country, yet COVID cases are suddenly surging to new heights. During the first week of November 2021, cases increased by 42%. The hospital admission rate for fully vaccinated patients increased by 8%, while the admission rate for those who were not fully vaccinated decreased by 15%. Local health authorities blame the surge on the highly infectious delta variant, which would be odd if true, since the first delta case in Vermont was detected back in mid-May
  • Data from physician assistant Deborah Conrad show vaccinated people — counting anyone who got one or more shots, regardless of time since the injection — are nine times more likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated


UNvaccinated 18-49 yr olds: You’re more likely to die from a car accident than COVID. Should the gov’t make you walk to work?

This is the data that the CDC and mainstream media gives you to make decisions on. Looks scary, right? But we know that COVID doesn’t treat all age groups alike so this is what the data says for different age ranges.

For the unvaccinated 18-49 yr old age range, there were 10.4 deaths per 100,000 per year during this study period (based on average weekly deaths per 100,000). I’m looking at this age range because this is the group that is being most affected by the government-employer vaccine mandates.

But in 2019, 37,595 motor vehicle traffic deaths occurred, for an age-adjusted death rate of 11.1 deaths per 100,000 per year!

And for males age 15-24 there were 19-38 deaths per 100,000 per year in recent years!

So should the government revoke all male drivers licenses under the age of 25?

Full explanation here. Please share!


Vit D Test

What’s YOUR number? Why you need to get your Vitamin D3 checked and how to do it

We have known for a long time the vital role that Vitamin D plays in the immune system. So as we are faced with a virus that has been shown to be most dangerous to those with comorbidities, don’t let vitamin D deficiency be a comorbidity of yours (it’s estimated that 85-95% of Americans are DEFICIENT in Vitamin D)! How many people have been hospitalized or died from COVID due to Vitamin D deficiency?

We are now offering in office Vitamin D tests that only take a spot of blood! Contact us today

Why Vitamin D is Important for Your Health?

Vitamin D, like all nutrients, is essential for life. Our bodies need it from our environment (sunlight and food in this case) to function. It also plays an important role in building and maintaining strong bones. But that’s not all. Every cell in our body has receptors for vitamin D, meaning it can affect virtually everything that happens inside our cells. Research shows that people with higher blood levels of vitamin D live better for longer, with immune and cardiovascular systems that function better.

Check out these resources for more information on the role Vitamin D plays on YOUR immune system and likelihood of conquering COVID!

  • The Irish Covit-D Consortium is also calling for greater use of vitamin D against COVID-19, citing evidence showing it can lower the risk of death from COVID-19 in the elderly by as much as 700%
  • Research shows giving critically ill COVID-19 patients high doses of vitamin D significantly reduced the number of days they had to spend in the ICU. They were also less likely to need ventilation
  • Another recent study found high-dose vitamin D supplementation sped up viral clearance; 62.5% of participants in the intervention group became SARS-CoV-2 RNA negative within 21 days, compared to just 20.8% of controls who did not receive vitamin D

A growing body of evidence shows that vitamin D plays a crucial role in disease prevention and maintaining optimal health. There are about 30,000 genes in your body, and vitamin D affects nearly 3,000 of them, as well as vitamin D receptors located throughout your body.

According to one large-scale study, optimal vitamin D levels can slash your risk of cancer by as much as 60 percent. Keeping your levels optimized can help prevent at least 16 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, prostate, and skin cancers.