Monday Morning Mindset

Weekly Monday morning wisdom.

MMM 026: The Best Way to Ensure Failure

Don't try! It's been said in many different ways but this quote from Wayne Gretzky hits the nail on the head. Keep in mind this week...
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MMM 025: The Critical Difference Between Worry and Concern

• Concern is when an issue arrests the attention of an individual where he would begin to care and feel distressed. This will be followed by...
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MMM 024: Practice Makes Progress, Not Perfection

We've all probably been told 'Practice makes perfect' but is that really the truth? Nothing is truly perfect in this life so let's focus on progress...
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MMM 023: When Life Squeezes You…

When life gives you lemons you make lemonade, but what happens when life squeezes you?
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MMM 022: Your 2 Greatest Needs Are Only Met Under This One Condition

Many experts agree that the 2 greatest needs for a human are security and significance. These two words carry many synonyms that you may be familiar...
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MMM 021: Outlook Determines Outcome

Nothing paralyzes our lives like the attitude that things can never change. We need to remind ourselves that God can change things. Outlook determines outcome. If...
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MMM 020: When Did You Last Reset YOUR Operating System?

It's frustrating when your phone glitches, isn't it? But when your phone/computer/tablet freezes what's the first thing your should do? RESET/RESTART it! Or better yet... periodically...
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MMM 019: When Experiences Don’t Line Up with the Truth

It's frustrating when things aren't going as they 'should', isn't' it? We've all been there, but what you do when you find yourself in this situation...
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MMM 018: What Gets Measured Gets Improved

Do you know what the hardest problem to address is? The one you are unaware of! That's were the saying 'What gets measured gets improved' comes...
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MMM 017: Using Your Tongue as a Mirror

Did you know that the words you choose to say are often a direct reflection of the beliefs and state of your mind? For example 'Let's...
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MMM 016: The Buzz that Doesn’t Cost a Thing

Instead of relying on sugar to get a dopamine buzz, treat yourself to a buzz from a few laughs! Happy Valentines Day! 1. Who always has a date...
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MMM 015: ChiropracTIC 101

BJ Palmer is the developer of chiropractic. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from one of the brightest minds in human history. The thing...
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MMM 014: The Healthcare of the Future

The concept of preventative health is not a complicated concept, yet for some reason many in today's world find it hard to practice. Yet if these...
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MMM 013: The Thing We Can’t Get Back

TIME! Lose money, earn it back. Lose trust, you can potentially earn it back. Time passes and it's gone forever. Even though we all get the...
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MMM 012: The Power of Opposite Intention

Where your attention/intention goes, resources (energy, money...) flow, but do you realize how powerful that statement actually is? It took me most of my life to...
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MMM 011: How ConnEcTed Is Your Communication?

Over the last 2 years the world has become more DISconnected than ever before. Much of this has been out of our control but we ALWAYS...
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MMM 010: Are Your Goals SMART?

Many of the most successful people in the world have goals, yet a vast majority of people don't have goals or consistently fail to achieve the...
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MMM 009: Are you a Have Doer or Do Haver?

Let's face it. We don't always have the resources (time, money, knowledge, confidence...) we need to do the things we want to in life. So we're...
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MMM 008: Living in an Atomic Age

This quote is about 70 years old yet it's principles and truth couldn't be more applicable to today. “In one way we think a great deal...
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MMM 007: Got Decision Fatigue Yet?

Is it a real thing? Yup! Dopamine is the primary brain chemical used for decision making and we literally have a 'dopamine budget' each day. It's...
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MMM 006: The One Time Hard Work Won’t Work

In general the work you put into something directly correlates with what you get out of it (you reap what you sow); but isn't it ironic...
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MMM 005: The Definition of Luck

My 5th grade teacher told me there was no such thing as luck. He said “luck is when preparation meets opportunity” and he had a valid...
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MMM 004: Wise Words from the World’s Strongest 70 Yr Old

As Thanksgiving approaches, many of us will take some moments to reflect on all that we are thankful for. Along with these moments of reflection, it...
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MMM 003: The Crisis Formula

We can't always control our environment but we can always choose how we respond to changes in our environment. One of the most powerful ways to...
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MMM 002: The bABCs

Beliefs/Thinking -> Attitudes/Feelings -> Behaviors -> Consequences (good and bad) Check yourself before you wreck yourself:) All kidding aside... we are responsible for our ABCs (Attitudes,...
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MMM 001: Making Tough Decisions with Minimal Discipline

When value perceived outweighs the investment required, you'll say yes! For a decision that you want to easily say 'yes' to (e.g. exercising), try focusing on...
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