
Knee Pain

Becky’s Testimony of Victory

“How long has it been since your knees felt this good? I really cannot remember it was childhood or in my 20’s.”

Before first StemWave Treatment:

So, if I’m in a seated position at 90 degrees it’s much easier to get up but if I’m inverted more, it’s even worse to get up but a lot of pain on both of my knees when I’m having to push myself up or going up the stairs and going downstairs is equally as painful.  Range of motion is fine; stairs and getting up are very close to a 10 (pain scale 1-10).

After first StemWave Treatment:

Stand up…it was much faster and without effort.  Didn’t use the table as much.  The pain scale is below 5 which hasn’t been that way for a long time.

How long has it been since your knees felt this good?  I really cannot remember…it was childhood or in my 20’s.

Knee Pain

Tammy’s Testimony of Victory

“I would say my knee is at 95% almost 100% ”

Second treatment:

My right knee has been bothering me since February since a kickboxing injury.  I had one treatment last Wednesday and ever since last Wednesday, today is Monday I’ve been able to go up and down stairs a lot easier.   Going downstairs was really hard for me because I didn’t have a lot of confidence and a lot of pressure going down on my knees has been a little bit better.  Going up the stairs has been huge for me because I have a lot of stairs in my house, so it was really hard to go up and down stairs with a bum knee carrying laundry baskets.  Getting down on the floor has been a lot easier for me; before I wasn’t able to do that so cleaning and chasing after the kids and stuff was a lot more challenging.  Just after that one treatment it’s been amazing.  Before this I’ve tried physical therapy, went to another chiropractor, and got adjusted and this machine ticked on my knee and nothings worked and this StemWave just one treatment has been a night and day difference.

Final treatment:

Alright so I came in a couple of months ago with a sore knee from kickboxing and I’ve had 7 StemWave sessions right now and I would say my knee is at 95% almost 100% other than building up that muscle again.  I have no pain today at my StemWave appointment; I didn’t feel anything meaning no inflammation and my knee feels great.

Knee Pain

Jacqueline’s Testimony of Victory

“Since using StemWave it’s a better quality of life.”

Hi, I’m Jacqueline, I’m a 53-year-old mom of 5 and so I lead a pretty much hectic life and I’m also a social worker in private practice, so I spend a lot of time with clients.  Prior to getting StemWave I lived a life of dread and fear.  I have chronic arthritis in my knees and back so the weather would often affect how I would do things.  It was constant dread.  I couldn’t even go down the stairs in my home.  My teenagers, they’re based downstairs so I would never go down there, in fact they enjoyed that, now I’m checking on them.  A lot of my job is providing care for my clients, taking them to doctors’ appointments and taking them to the grocery store.  So, what I would do at the grocery store I would ride around with the scooter and since I have been doing StemWave I don’t even have to use the motorized scooter.  There were times when I used to be afraid to go to places like stores or malls because I was afraid there wouldn’t be any handicap parking and now, I don’t even want to park in the handicap parking.  The other day I parked further away so I could walk in.  So, it’s like I have a choice now.  Since using StemWave it’s a better quality of life.  My pain was at 10 every day prior to doing StemWave.  Some days I couldn’t work or even get out of bed.  I was actually feeling good after the first session; I noticed a change.  I’m going downstairs and snooping.  The other day was Memorial Day, and I was going to play a game of kickball so that’s how my life has changed.  I would recommend this to anybody to give this a try.  It will more than likely work for you like it worked for me.  I had no hope.  I really thought I was going to have to have knee replacement surgery but there is an alternative.


Better Sleep

Yvette’s Testimony of Victory

“I average between 30-45 minutes more REM and Deep Sleep every night”

I didn’t have health concerns but am always looking to do my best for my health.  My next, however, was always stiff…that has improved significantly!!!!  I have had 3 car accidents, rear ended twice, and rear ended someone else.

I love how thorough Dr. Samuel is with me and all his participants.  I believe Dr. Samuel can help everyone with Tonal chiropractic, he helps the body to get rid of interference, si it can do what it was designed to do.

I track all my metrics with my Oura ring.  As I look back, I average between 30-45  minutes more REM and Deep Sleep every night.  This is significant!!!  In deep sleep, that’s where we flush toxins, immune system strengthens, tissue repair and growth and cell regeneration happens…very cool!

I highly recommend Principled Living to basically everyone I come into contact with.

Lifelong Asthma

Tori’s Testimony of Victory

“I’ve never felt more free in my life!”

I love this place!  I have been on a controlled steroid inhaler since I was 10 and now I don’t need it at all!  I’ve never felt more free in my life!

Eating and Weight Gain

Mae’s Testimony of Victory

“Since starting her adjustments, her intake has improved dramatically and she is gaining weight”

My 4 month old really struggled with eating and weight gain. We tried everything we could think of and every feeding was still a struggle. We met with Dr. Rinehart and she has been seeing him regularly. Since starting her adjustments, her intake has improved dramatically and she is gaining weight. Her feedings are no longer a stressful battle and she is thriving!

Poor Sleep

Orlando’s Testimony of Victory

“After the first week of care I was noticing that I could get a whole nights sleep”

Before I wasn’t sleeping well, I couldn’t get a goodnight’s sleep.  After the first week of care I was noticing that I could get a whole nights sleep, wake up well rested and able to go throughout my day.  Better attitude, better strength.


Mo’s Testimony of Victory

“But this is real. This really works. Amen.”

Well, before I came here, I had chiropractic treatment, and they do get results that tend to revert back to the other situation. But since I’ve been here, everything has been just on the upside of positivity.

I have spinal stenosis, which is like my nerve vital brain is being pinched with the MRI. The doctor says it’s really bad. They don’t even know how I’m surviving. And I’ve been prescribed to take epidural injection on my back every two months.

I’ve done that for the past two years. And just like the other treatments, it reverts back. I don’t feel much pain at the starting. And towards the end of the second month, it start coming back on even worse. So that is the situation.

Since I started taking having treatment over here, I stopped the epidural treatment, and I’ve been continuously getting better. The symptoms, the frequency of occurrence, and all that stuff is just going down tremendously. I actually feel my body is feeling just like the doctor told me the first day I walk in here. I thought it was a joke. I just want to give it a shot because I’m running out of options. But this is real. This really works. Amen.

Anxiety, Depression, Allergies

Susan’s Testimony of Victory

“I feel like I am alive again”

I was skeptical about chiropractic care in general before coming to Principled Living. I had received manual adjustments before at other chiropractic centers, but the results either didn’t last very long or only addressed a few parts of my body based on where I was experiencing pain. The knowledge and resources provided by Principled Living have made it clear as to why these manual adjustments did not work for me and how neurologically-based chiropractic care will better address my needs in order to achieve the full-body wellness I am looking for. 

I have battled anxiety and depression since my late teens, with the emotional and physical symptoms becoming nearly debilitating over the last five years. Around this time, I also developed allergy-like symptoms (sinus congestion/pressure, dizziness) despite negative/non-allergy results from expensive allergy testing. Fatigue was a daily struggle, and I never had the energy to do much of anything. Over-the-counter medicines and natural remedies did not provide any consistent or significant relief. While I did not have a formal diagnosis, Principled Living made it clear to me that I likely had various nutritional deficiencies during this time as well due to diet and lifestyle choices. 

While I still have bouts of anxiety and depression, the number of good days compared to bad days has steadily increased with my treatment with Dr. R. My energy has returned: I feel like I am in control of my body again, not fighting against it but working with it! I do have “allergy” flair-ups, but they are fewer and less severe than before. General aches and pains, specifically lower back and neck pain, have decreased, too. 

An unexpected result of my experience with Principled Living has been increased vocal range: I can sing both higher and lower registers without my throat getting tight. Very fun! I feel like I am alive again! Daily movement is a vital part of my life now (gardening, cleaning, stretching, Dr. R’s recommended exercises, walking) and has a strong positive influence on my mental health. I am more outgoing, social, and willing to challenge myself with physical activity, no longer afraid if my fatigue or dizziness will weigh my down. 

Sickness, Nerve Pain

Todd’s Testimony of Victory

“I don’t get sick nearly as often as the people I work with”

Since I’ve been coming to the chiropractor and getting the adjustments done, I’ve noticed that the back issues that I was having, coming out of law enforcement and the military and stuff, I don’t have them as much anymore. Sometimes, I have some nerve pain in my fingers once in a while, like a pinched nerve or something. I can come to the chiropractor and get adjusted and within a few adjustments it’s gone; it feels better.

I don’t get sick nearly as often as the people I work with. I see that in the fall and spring. I usually get colds a lot. I don’t get them as often. I still get them; just not as much and not as bad as I usually do.

Faster Recovery, Decreased Soreness

Jessica’s Testimony of Victory

“When I have consistently gone to the chiropractor, I rebound a lot faster”

Yes, absolutely, I have found that I feel a lot better after I come to the chiropractor. And if I go too long without an adjustment, I notice that I’m not able to rebound as well or my body doesn’t feel as good as when I consistently go to the chiropractor.

I think the most I would say it helps with, since I have ran and done a couple trainings, or a marathon I just recently ran, I know that when I have consistently gone to the chiropractor, I rebound a lot faster. I’m not as sore, and I’m able to just kind of go between my runs a little bit easier. Yes, increased healing potential. No question at all about that.

Improved Immune System

Ashley’s Testimony of Victory

“I get sick a lot less”

I get sick a lot less. I still get sick, feel under the weather, but when I come in, I feel a lot less sick but it does not last as long.

Poor Energy and Sleep

Carson’s Testimony of Victory

“I have more energy in school”

When I come here, I notice I sleep better. I have more energy while in school. Every part of life is better.

Improved Energy and Mood

Riley’s Testimony of Victory

“Since coming here, I feel happy and more energetic”

Before I came here, I was not energetic. Now, since coming here, I feel happy and more energetic. Nope, sick not as much. Sleeping better!

Back Pain, Numbness, Epidural Injections!

Mo’s Testimony of Victory

“My body is getting stronger and better and the symptoms are greatly reducing”

I’ve been coming here for the past couple of weeks now. And from the first day that I came here, I started noticing some tightness in my back and the soreness that I was getting in my back was greatly reducing. The tightness I was getting was kind of like a workout-type of a tightness; like my muscles readjusting themselves; waking up and addressing the problem. And he told me that, the first day I came here, but I was yet to be convinced until now. And up till today, it’s always been getting better and better up to this point.

I used to get an epidural injection. In fact, I was about to go there this coming Monday, but I’m not going to go now because of the program that I’m getting, knowing that it might set us back. Because all that does, is just to numb the pain, and once the injection starts wearing off, which it is, it should be right now the symptoms start getting worse.

But as it is right now, instead of symptoms getting worse, you look at my body, it’s just getting stronger and better. And the symptoms are greatly reducing.

Weight Loss, Pain

David’s Testimony of Victory

“It’s a very easy, simple plan to actually do. ”

I started about at the beginning of September, and I weighed 207 pounds when I started. And from then, till now, to today is February 18, and I have lost (I don’t know the exact weight number), but I’m down to 159 pounds from 207 that I was at. I started the Blueprint Nutrition Weight Loss Program and it’s a very easy, simple plan to actually do. At first, I wasn’t too sure that I would be able to do it, but I’ve seen great results from doing it. And it’s something that I’d recommend to anyone else out there that wants to get a little change as far as little pounds, or you want to keep going. I’d definitely recommend it. In that first, I think the first initial 45 days that we started, I was about 20 pounds down during that fat-loss phase. Yeah, the 45 days, about 20 pounds in that amount of time. And the rest, I was off that program. It was a little hit or miss. I was learning about what I was trying to actually get into which fully led me to the keto. And I’ve been on keto ever since.

And, it’s truly not that hard. I mean a lot of people might think ah, it’s hard or they think I can’t eat this or I can’t  at that. There’s a lot that you can’t eat but there’s a lot that you can eat. There are a lot of alternatives. There’s a lot of changing and a lot that happens.

Headaches, Pain

Lisa’s Testimony of Victory

“I have been here for three weeks, and I have not had one headache”

I have been coming here for about 2 to 3 weeks now and when I came and saw Dr. Rinehart, I had back issues, shoulder issues,  neck issues, and mostly headache issues. I was getting headaches every day and they were progressively getting worse.

And I would say, within the first week of seeing Dr. Rinehart, I was not getting headaches. And I have been here for two and a half weeks or three, and I have not had one headache. So, that alone is pretty amazing. And I can’t wait to see what is going to happen with my body as I go through this process. So, this is awesome.

Pain, Depression

Alex’s Testimony of Victory

“Neck area, mid back, depression, and now I am looking at a 1 to 2 pain on a scale of 10”

I came here a couple months ago and I started with pains about 7 or 8, on a 10 scale. The neck area, mid back, depression. And now, I am looking at a 1 to 2 pain on a scale of 10. And I totally recommend Dr. Rinehart and Principled Living to anyone and everyone.

Arthritis Pain

Tom’s Testimony of Victory

“I have taken zero Aleve since my first nerve reset ”

On a scale of 0 and 10 pain level, I was a mess. I could hardly do anything without having a lot of pain. I have never been able to do this previously (lifting legs and arms high) or even close to that. It is a complete turnaround.

The change in my quality of life is dramatic because I have much more freedom of movement with less pain. I do not have to worry about standing up and grimacing at the same time.

I was inquisitive to visit Principled Living for the first time, not really knowing what it was all about. But after going through the treatments, and the fact that I was living on Aleve so long for pain and now my pain is gone, is amazing.

With arthritis under control, my future life means energy and ability to do things I had not been able to do before. I definitely recommend Dr. Rinehart, for the work he has done in getting me back in shape.

Poor Sleep and Digestion

Saado’s Testimony of Victory

“I have actually gotten back to sleeping some reasonable amount of time”

I came here with a very severe sleeping problem and digestive problem together. Rare. In the first part of 2021, I had several weeks without sleeping at all. And I came in here, did the scanning, did some diagnostics. And I have been coming here for about a month.

And right now, I have actually gotten back to sleeping some reasonable amount of time. My energy is back up. I am able to work out. I am able to do a lot of the stuff that I wasn’t able to do. And most of all, because of now being able to sleep, I can really get my work done and enjoy my life a lot better. So, I am grateful for your help and thank you very much.

Poor Balance, Neuropathy

Nigel’s Testimony of Victory

“My feet just feel like something has woken up ”

I am Nigel. I have experienced a lot of different things. And I am not going to say they are all good, because it’s a process. I am going uphill. So, for the most part, I just want to say I am proud I have joined this program, and this has been – it is still going to be a journey. But it is a journey that is making me together. So, I just want to say, if anybody has any doubts or anything like that, I just want to say this is probably one of the best chiropractors I have been to. So, it is actually the first one.

I can feel that when we do the treatment where you put your feet in water and you put the nerves in there, I can feel it. As soon as I stop it and I get off, and get off the machine, I just – my feet just feel like something has woken up.


Improved Sleep, Singing, Breathing

Susan’s Testimony of Victory

“More effective sleep, and so I wake up actually feeling rested”

One of the big things that I have noticed is my tone of voice is a lot clearer. And especially, when I am singing, the sound just seems to come out easily, more easily, like less tension. And, also, my range was increased. And so, when I am singing it just feels like things are just coming out just so naturally and easily and beautifully.

And then one of the first things I noticed after maybe the first session or first few sessions, was that my sleep felt more effective. So, I used to wake up constantly and have dreams that were just so crazy, and I never felt like I was actually resting. And now I feel like – I still dream – but it is more effective sleep and so I wake up actually feeling rested. Yes, it just feels so open.

Trouble Driving, Poor Balance

Dennis’s Testimony of Victory

“I can keep driving”

Before coming here, I would rock. From walking, sometimes I would almost fall over. Now, I am using all of the bottom of my feet. And I can keep driving.

Chronic Headaches, Nerve Pain

Keith’s Testimony of Victory

“I just do not feel as much nerve pain as I did”

Since I started coming here, the headaches have resolved a little bit. Every week it feels like it gets a little bit better.

For over a decade, I had bilateral nerve pain. And they flared up a little bit for a day and a half but now I feel like they have resolved and I just do not feel as much nerve pain as I did.

I had some nerve pain in the pelvic region, that, like I said, it flared up for a couple days and then now they have resolved and they are a lot better.


Neuropathy, Poor Balance Loss of Smell, Allergies

Laurie’s Testimony of Victory

“Sharp, stabbing pains would wake me up when I was sleeping, and they have almost completely stopped”

I used to wake up, and shooting pains, really sharp, stabbing pains, would wake me up when I was sleeping. Those have almost completely stopped happening now.

My feet used to just be completely numb, and it has changed. I cannot say if it has gotten better, but it has changed to where I just feel like they are frost-bit now.

Loss of Smell, Allergies

Jeff’s Testimony of Victory

“I regained my sense of smell for the first time in 2-1/2 years”

In March, I regained my sense of smell for the first time in 2-1/2 years. It was shocking, on day 8 of the 10-day detox. And when I came off that, I learned that dairy is almost the sole contributor to all of my symptoms – both eczema and the nasal allergy response.

It feels great to have a target; just something I can work on. Additionally, just my general well-being and sleep and all that has improved dramatically in these, roughly, 10 months.

I am grateful and happy to work, not on the symptoms, but on the root cause and give my body a chance, and to know what I can do to improve my health and be proactive.

To be blunt, I would cough and gag until I would throw up for quite a bit of the past two years, prior to seeing Dr. Rinehart. And now even when I have cheese and dairy and know I should not, and I will have a reaction, the reactions are much milder and under control and even predictable. And so, I will indulge and deal with it for a few days, but I can be a winner. And it is a price worth paying worth paying now and then.

Yes, absolutely. I am delighted.

Back Pain, Sleep, Fibromyalgia

Rebecca’s Testimony of Victory

“I was a little skeptical, but the very next day, I realized I had not slept that well in a long time”

I have been coming to the clinic for about 6 months now. I have noticed a lot of good changes. I was still having some standing pain in my lower back as I was transitioning from standing to sitting or rolling over in bed at night. So, Dr. Rinehart tried a different adjustment. And I was a little skeptical, but the very next day, I realized I had not slept that well in a long time. So, it was just a good affirmation that we can keep changing and moving things as we go.

Golf Back Pain

Rolf's Testimony of Victory

“For the first time in 5 or 6 years, I did not miss a day of golf because my back was bothering me.”

It has been a little over a year and a half that I have been coming here.

Well, I still, foolishly, at 64, play competitive golf, and I work out 3 times a week. And there were about 4 or 5 times alone last summer where I came in feeling odd. Sam adjusted me, and not only did I go out and hit balls for an hour or two, but then I went out and worked out. And I did not, for the first time in 5 or 6 years, did not miss a day in the summer where I could not hit golf because my back was bothering me.

And I just feel better all over, up to the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. And I feel like I have more energy, and I have been sleeping better since I have been coming here.

“Dr. Rinehart is very knowledgeable and caring. Always willing to help! Would highly recommend Principled Living to anyone! Always leave feeling better.”

– Hannah H.

“I came to Dr. Rinehart with a number of health concerns ranging from minor to moderate concern (muscle soreness, digestive function, respiratory concerns). His evaluations and treatment have alleviated all of the moderate concerns and even most of the minor ones. He has been open about the benefits and limitations of chiropractic medicine, and has answered my questions in a way that demonstrates warmth and competence. Highly recommend Dr. Rinehart for those who know what’s wrong with themselves, and especially for those who don’t know what’s wrong with themselves.”

– Brian B.

“Principled Living utilizes a truly holistic approach in order to create positive, long lasting lifestyle changes. This is not merely a quick fix chiropractor, but rather an investment in your personal health and well-being!”

– Matthew R.

“Wisdom, knowledge, and an excellent grasp of the neurological effects of the human body are just a few of the reasons why I highly recommend Dr. Rinehart. As an avid runner and sports enthusiast, I have seen first hand the healing effects from regular adjustmemts at Principled Living and most importantly, the power of God to transform the mind body and spirit. I know of no other chiropractic services other than Principled Living that lives out the mandate found in Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Thank you Dr. Rinehart for your faithful service of transforming lives.”

– Dr. Rev. Zach O’Neel

“My family and I have been seeing Dr. Rinehart for the past 6 months, and I can already see a difference in our health. My boys, ages 2 and 4, are sleeping better at night and their overall immune system has improved as well. This past Fall has been our healthiest fall yet! I highly recommend Principled Living PA!”

– Rebekah M.

“Within a couple of months I noticed improvement in areas I didn’t even noticed I necessarily struggled (sleeping better at night, having more energy, having more appetite and that’s to just name a few). It was soon after starting with Dr. Rinehart that I noticed a drastic improvement in my RA (rheumatoid arthritis) symptoms. Along with visiting him consistently and changing my diet around what he recommended I was finally starting to feel like myself again or at least what I can remember of “normal”. I still receive care to this day every week, and I will never change that! It has been one of the absolute best things for my husband and I!” (read more)

– Lexy F.

“My husband and I have been receiving Dr Rinehart’s neurologically based chiropractic care for over a year and we have both benefited in numerous ways. From hip and back pain relief to stress management to learning a great deal about nutrition, exercise and healthy life style, our experience has been wonderful. Dr Rinehart is compassionate, intelligent, insightful and professional. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t think of someone in our lives who could benefit greatly from going to Dr Rinehart and Principled Living. We highly recommend him!”

– Kim R.

“Dr. Rinehart has helped me stop using all medications. He explains things well and is great with kids. Thanks!”

– Shelli W.